We believe there is a place for everyone at Turning Leaf Church!
Find Your Place
We are currently updating all of our ministry pages! They will be available soon! Below is a list of the ministries with a short description and the contact for the leader! Thanks for being patient!
Your kids will love the team we have working with them! We meet Sunday mornings at 10:30am and Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm. We have a place for kids to worship and play together from birth-5th grade!Email Pastor Anneliese for more information.
TLC Exceptional Ministries exists to reach the community of individuals with exceptional needs and their families with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and strives to provide a safe environment of acceptance and belonging for all individuals with special needs. Exceptional Ministries is available every Sunday morning during the 10:30am service!
Youth ministry is a vital part of church life at TLC. Our teens meet every Sunday evening, 5:00pm - 7:00pm (dinner provided) and often have other events throughout the year! Reach out to Pastor Tyler for more information!
Young Adults 18-30 are welcomed into a space of their own and allowed to worship and have some fun together. We do not have a weekly meeting at this time but have outside events scheduled throughout the year. Email Pastor Matt for more information.
The ladies at TLC know how to have a lot of fun together! They meet weekly for prayer, book studies and lifegroups. They also have regular monthly gatherings and special events. Email Lisa Gardner for more information!
Iron sharpens iron. Our men’s ministry at TLC is one that strengthens men through prayer, gathering together and getting away at an annual retreat. Email Ryan Mauldin for more information!
Ismael & Olivia Amamos a Dios y compartimos las maravillas que hace en nuestras vidas, sirviendo al prójimo y proclamando la gran noticia que Cristo nos Ama.
Just. Older. Youth. Our J.O.Y Ministryis an active, positive ministry to unite, serve and encourage the TLC 50+ community through fellowship, service, support and discipleship. Email Pastor Tom for more information.
TLC Missions is a ministry for all ages providing opportunities to serve locally in Arizona as well as around the world! We are always excited for what God is going to do as we are faithful to go and make disciples!